Results section

Use this section to view and update the results of the search and add individual IDs for processing. You can select and deselect IDs for processing and search on various fields for individual records. You can also review result messages.

Note: You can navigate to directly display and review individual result messages for consecutive records without using Enter and tabbing to the Message field. When you are in the Message field for a record, use the Edit button to open the Edit window. Click OK when you are done, and then press the Tab key to view the message for the Enter. Continue to click OK and press the Tab key to review as many messages as you want.

Use the Options Menu to access SHADEGR, SHADGMQ, TSAAREV, SOQHOLD, SHACATT, SHACRMQ, SHACATQ, SHACPRQ, and SHADIPL. You can also use Remember ID to view a specific ID.

Fields Descriptions
Select Indicator Radio group used to select all, deselect all, or take no action for the IDs returned by the search.
  • When Select All is chosen, the Select check box is automatically checked for all records.
  • When Deselect All is chosen, the Select check box is automatically unchecked for all records.
  • After either Select All or Deselect All is chosen, the radio group defaults to None.

Values are: Select All, Deselect All, None.

Select Check box used to indicate that the individual ID has been manually selected for processing. This field must be checked for updates to occur.
ID ID of the student to be processed. Use SOAIDEN or GUIALTI to manually add an ID.

List Person Search (SOAIDEN) page

Dup Item SSN/SIN Alternate ID Search (GUIALTI) page

Name Name of student to be processed.
Sequence Number Sequence number of the degree record from SHADEGR to be updated. This results from the entered search criteria.
Hold Check box used to indicate whether graduation holds exist. This field is informational only and will not prevent processing from taking place.
Deceased Check box used to indicate whether the student is deceased. This field is informational only and will not prevent processing from taking place.
Conf (Confidential) Check box used to indicate whether the student’s information is confidential. This field is informational only and will not prevent processing from taking place.
Manually Added Check box used to indicate whether the ID was added manually on the page. This field is informational only and will not prevent processing from taking place.
Update Status


Radio group that indicates whether changes for the record were successfully saved and the parent page was updated, were not successfully saved and the parent page was not updated, were partially saved and the parent page was partially updated, or that no processing of updates occurred for the record.

Valid values are: Yes, No, Partial, None.

Message Displays results related text for successful, partially successful, or unsuccessful updates. Use the Edit button to open the Edit window and view the full text.