Repeat or Equivalent Course Conditions

Use the Repeat or Equivalent Course Conditions section of the page to determine and all probable conditions that constitute the existence of a repeat and all criteria that define a first passing grade.

To decide which fields (Match Course Levels, Match Course Titles, Match Schedule Types, and Evaluate Transfer Courses) to include in checking for the repeat condition, you may consider the following questions:
  • Must the course’s level, schedule type, and title match?
  • Can the course come from transfer history and be counted as a repeat?
  • If you are using first passing rules, what is the minimum grade that qualifies as passing?

The Match Course Levels, Match Course Titles, Match Schedule Types, and Evaluate Transfer Courses fields are used to perform repeat check for both academic history and registration. The Passing Grade field is used only by repeat processing for academic history, as it establishes the minimum grade that defines a passing grade when “F” (First Passing) is used as a selection rule.

The following fields are in the Repeat or Equivalent Course Conditions section.

Fields Descriptions
Match Course Levels Check box used to indicate whether the level on courses must match to be considered a repeat.

If checked, then course levels are compared and must match to be selected for the repeat checking.

If unchecked, then course levels will not be compared.

Match Schedule Types Check box used to indicate whether the schedule type on courses must match to be considered a repeat.

If checked, then all courses with the same Schedule Type will be considered in repeat evaluation.

A Null schedule type will not be considered in evaluation.

Institutions have the option to consider courses to be evaluated to match on the schedule type of each course. If checked, then courses to be considered in registration repeat checking and repeat processing in academic history will only be those course records with matching schedule types.

If you choose to use this option and have converted some academic history detail from your legacy system, you may need to re-evaluate the value of the schedule type on these records on the Course Maintenance (SHATCKN) page.

Passing Grade Minimum grade the course must have, to be considered a repeat when the selection rule of First Passing is used.

This field is only used in academic history repeat processing. Passing grade is not used in registration repeat error checking.

If you are using the passing grade, you must enter a grade code established on the Grade Code Maintenance (SHAGRDE) page. Only one minimum passing grade can be defined for the Repeat/Equivalent Course Check Report (SHRRPTS).

Any grade code with a numeric value equal to or greater than the minimum passing grade will be used in evaluation of the repeat processing rules in academic history when using the First Passing rule. The course will be included first, then the process will choose no passing grades in ascending order, starting with the earliest rows.

Match Course Titles Check box used to indicate whether the title on a course must match to be considered a repeat.

If the course title which can appear on Course Maintenance (SHATCKN) page for the previous coursework being evaluated is different than the course title on the target course being evaluated, the previous coursework will not be used in repeat evaluation. This record will display on the output for Repeat/Equivalent Course Check Report (SHRRPTS) with the following comment: *Not Considered – Diff Title. Review of these types of records will only occur if there are at least two records that have the same course title.

If unchecked, all course work with the same subject and course number will be considered in the evaluation for repeat checking, even if the titles differ.

This is used by institutions who reuse course numbers. For example, a student could have a previously completed course such as subject - MATH, course number - 101, course title - Calculus. A different course could now exist that reuses the subject and course number but contains a different course title, such as subject - MATH, course number - 101, course title - Trigonometry.

In this situation, institutions would not want to consider these courses in the registration repeat checking or the academic history repeat evaluation.

The title check is based upon the course title established in the Course Maintenance (SHATCKN) page. (This is the course title that is stored in the SHRTCKN table.)

In registration, titles will be compared to the SSBSECT title against courses in history using the SHATCKN title, or against the SSBSECT or SCBCRSE title of a course that is in progress or graded and not rolled.

Evaluate Transfer Courses Check box used to indicate whether transfer courses are to be evaluated in repeat processing in registration and academic history.

If unchecked, repeat processing will not consider any transfer work in processing.

For institutions that leave the Transfer Course Indicator unchecked, but need to know the entire academic history record, use the Print Transcript Work parameter on the Repeat/Equivalent Course Check Report (SHRRPTS) to print transfer work of the same subject and course number. Valid values for the Print Transfer Work parameter are Y or N.

If this parameter is set to Y, transfer work will display at the end of the institutional course work for the student for the same subject and course number. Each transfer record printed will have the comment: *TRANSFER – Not Evaluated. This transfer work data is strictly informational and is not used in processing or evaluation. If the parameter is set to N, transfer work will not print on the output of SHRRPTS.

The output for SHRRPTS prints the results in one sort order, alphabetically by last name. The sort of the records associated with each student is performed by if the course work is considered, (that is, the course is included or excluded from repeat processing). Unless the course fails the minimum grade value, this information will appear first in term order. Institutional courses with Repeat Messages such as *Not Considered – Diff Schd Type or * Not Considered –Diff Title will appear next, and then transfer work is displayed.