Transcript Destination section

Use this section to enter destination and address information for the transcript.

Fields Descriptions
External Institution Code When a valid institution code from the Source/Background Institution Code Validation (STVSBGI) page is entered, the institution's name defaults into the Issued field, and the institution's address is retrieved from the Source or Background Institution Base (SOASBGI) page.

Electronic transcripts require the entry of a valid outside institution code for an institution that is capable of receiving electronic transcripts. Institutions are noted as being EDI or XML capable using the setting of the Electronic field on STVSBGI. This field determines the mode in which the transcript is to be sent. When the institution code is entered, the system will check to see if that institution is EDI or XML capable and then default in the appropriate Output Type value (E, P, NULL). A message will be displayed that the transcript will be sent electronically.

The cursor will be positioned at the Output Type field. You then have the option of overriding Output Type by blanking it out, and thereby printing the transcript on paper. Otherwise, the cursor is positioned in the first line of the address.

List Source or Background Institution Query-Only (SOISBGI) page

Output Type Transcript send type. This field is used to determine whether the transcript will be printed on paper, sent by EDI, sent by XML, or sent by PDF.

This field will always be blank unless an external institution code has been entered and that institution is capable of receiving transcripts electronically using the EDI, XML, or PDF file formats.

  • When this field is Null, the transcript will be printed on paper.
  • If the institution is EDI capable, the system will set the value to E.
  • If the institution is XML capable, the system will set the value to P.
  • If the institution is PDF capable, the system will set the value to D.
Output Type (cont.) The Output Type value can then be overridden by the user in the following situations:
  • If the Electronic field on STVSBGI is not null for the corresponding External Institution Code value, then the user can change the Output Type value to Null. The override is only valid for that transcript request. The value of E can only be entered for those institution codes that are marked as EDI capable on STVSBGI. The value of P can only be entered for those institution codes that are marked as XML capable on STVSBGI.
  • If the Electronic field on STVSBGI is null for the corresponding External Institution Code value, then the Output Type value cannot be overridden.
Forward to Internal College College code. When a value valid on the College Code Validation (STVCOLL) page is entered, the college's description is retrieved and defaults into the Issued field, and the cursor is positioned in the first line of the address. Use List to select a college code from STVCOLL.
Issued To Name of person or entity to which the transcript is issued. This value will default in as described above.
Student Address Type When a valid address type for the person is entered, the student's name and address are retrieved, and the cursor is positioned in the first line of the address.

Use List to select a valid address type or Count Query Hits to select a valid address for the ID from SOADDRQ.

Phone Use this field to enter a phone number with country code, area code, and extension for the intended recipient of the transcript. This field maps to SHTTRAN_CTRY_CODE_PHONE, SHTTRAN_PHONE_AREA, SHTTRAN_PHONE_NUMBER, and SHTTRAN_PHONE_EXT. It is an optional field and is not validated. The default value is null. This information may be required for express delivery services.
International Access This field is used to enter an international phone number with country and city codes for the intended recipient of the transcript. This field maps to SHTTRAN_INTL_ACCESS. It is an optional field and is not validated. The default value is null.
Note: When a valid ZIP or postal code is selected from the ZIP/Postal Code Validation (GTVZIPC) page and entered in the ZIP or Postal Code field, the combination of City, State/Province, and Nation information which exists in GTVZIPC will default into the appropriate fields. The related information does not default in when the ZIP/Postal Code is entered manually.