Transcript Request section

Use this section to enter information for the transcript request, including hold, electronic, and self-service options. Use the Transcript Request section to access this window from one of the secondary windows.

The following fields in the Transcript Request section are used with transcript request processing.

Fields Descriptions
Level Enter the level for the transcript. A request may be for a single level, or AL can be entered to request that transcripts for all levels be produced. Use List to select a valid level code.
Request Date Date the transcript was requested. The current date will default when a request is entered, but the date may be changed. When a future date is entered, the transcript will not be produced until the specified date has been reached.
Transcript Type Valid transcript type for which rules have been defined on the Transcript Type Rules (SHATPRT) page. The sections of data which will print on the transcript are controlled through the rules defined for the Transcript Type.

For example, when the Campus box is checked on SHATPRT, the course campus will print on the transcript.

A List function displays the Transcript Type Rules (SHATPRT) page. You must enter a type to save a new record.

When an EDI or XML capable institution code is entered, the value for the Transcript Type field will default from the Academic History Control (SHACTRL) page.

List Transcript Type Rules (SHATPRT) page

Number of Copies Number of transcript copies requested. This field defaults to 1 when a request is entered and may be overridden. If changed to another value, the specified number of transcripts will be produced for the requested level(s). If the transcript is to be sent electronically, the number of copies will be set to 1.
Official Official transcript indicator. When the Academic Transcript (SHRTRTC) print process is run, one of the parameter options is the choice to print official or unofficial transcripts. When this check box is checked (Y), only transcripts flagged as official in the request will be printed. Only official transcripts are processed electronically.
Billing Term Term in which transcript fee is billed. A value should only be entered if a charge is to be posted in the Accounts Receivable module for the transcripts. If values are entered, a transcript fee term, detail code, and transcript fee amount are all required. Use List to select a valid billing term.
Detail Detail code for transcript fee. A value should only be entered if a charge is to be posted in the Accounts Receivable Module for the transcripts. If values are entered, a transcript fee term, detail code, and transcript fee amount are all required.

List Student Detail Code Control (TSADETC) page

Amount Transcript fee amount. A value should only be entered if a charge is to be posted in the Accounts Receivable Module for the transcripts. If values are entered, a transcript fee term, detail code, and transcript fee amount are all required. In addition, the detail code must exist with a category of TRN.

Please note that only the fee entered in the Amount field will be posted to the student's account on the Student Account Detail (TSADETL) page, regardless of the number of transcripts requested. Please adjust this fee accordingly.

Student Information Term Term used by the Academic Transcript (SHRTRTC) to select the student record information (for example: majors, minors, and concentrations) which will print in the transcript heading section. A term will default to this field based upon the following logic:
  • The effective term of the maximum student record for the level selected for the transcript will default, if available.
  • If no effective term can be defaulted based upon the first criteria, the effective term of the maximum student record which is less than or equal to the term of the maximum academic history term header record will default.

In some cases, for example, when future term major changes have been entered in the student record, the transcript will print the future term major(s), because of the default logic described above. Using the Student Information Term field allows the requester of the transcript to change the Student Information Term to the current term, if desired, to prevent future term majors from printing.

Receipt Number This field is automatically populated with the receipt number value generated by the Web credit card procedure when the credit card payment is approved. This field maps to SHTTRAN_WPYO_RECEIPT_NUMBER. It is an optional field and is not validated.
In-Progress Cutoff Term Transcript in-progress term. Only terms with in-progress courses are displayed, based on the course level from the SFRSTCR term. This value will default to the highest term for which the student has courses in registration. Courses which have not yet been rolled to academic history up to and including the specified term will be printed as in-progress courses.

For example, pre-registration may have already occurred for the Fall, but a transcript is requested at the end of the Spring semester. By using Spring as the in-progress cutoff term, unrolled courses for terms before and including Spring will be printed, but courses for the Summer and Fall would not print as in-progress courses.

In-progress courses must have a grade, or the Course Status must have the Count in Enrollment (Indicator) checked, the Gradable Indicator checked, or have a value in the Auto Grade flag in the Course Registration Status Code Validation (STVRSTS) page.

Transcript Sent Date This field displays the actual date that the requested transcript was sent. This field maps to SHTTRAN_SENT_DATE. It is an optional field.
The following fields are in the Hold Processing section of the Transcript Request section.
Hold for Grades This check box is used to specify that the requested transcript should not be printed until after the end of term grades have been processed. This field maps to SHTTRAN_HOLD_GRDE_IND. It is a required field. Valid values are checked (Y) and unchecked (N). The default value is unchecked (N).

When this field is set to Y, a transcript request will not be printed unless the Process rqsts awaiting grades? parameter on SHRTRTC is set to Y.

Hold for Degrees This check box is used to specify that the requested transcript should not be printed until after learner’s degree has been posted. This field maps to SHTTRAN_HOLD_DEGR_IND. It is a required field. Valid values are checked (Y) and unchecked (N). The default value is unchecked (N).

When this field is set to Y, a transcript request will not be printed unless the Process rqsts awaiting degrees? parameter on SHRTRTC is set to Y.

The following fields are in the Self-Service Request Details section of the Transcript Request section.
Self-Service Option Web Self-Service Option Code. This field is used by learners to specify a Web self-service option on a transcript request. This field maps to SHTTRAN_WSSO_CODE. It is an optional field.

List Web Self Service Options Validation (STVWSSO)

Payment Option Web Payment Option Code. This field is used by learners to specify a Web payment option on a transcript request. This field maps to SHTTRAN_WPYO_CODE. It is an optional field.

List Web Payment Options Validation (STVWPYO)