Component Grades

Use this section to view and update the component grades for a student.

Fields Descriptions
Component Grade History Button used to display the history of component grades for a student.
Name Name of the component.
Description Description of the component.
Score Student’s score for the component. This field is updateable.

When you enter a score of a student's sub-component or component with a decimal value that is lesser or greater than six decimals, the system converts the score to a six-digit decimal. For example, if you enter the student's score as xx.yy, the system converts the decimal value to a six-digit value that will display as xx.yy0000.

If you enter the student's score with more than six-digit decimal and cursor out of the Score field, the system automatically converts and shrinks the value to appear as six-digit decimal value. (For example, if xx.yyyyyyyyyyyyyy value is entered, then the system displayed score value will be xx.yyyyyy).

When you enter the score for the sub-components with a six-digit decimal value, the component score and percentage gets calculated as per the six-digit decimal score entered. Both the score and percentage values are displayed in six-digit decimal value.

Similarly, the composite grade and percentage also gets calculated automatically as per the component score and the composite percentage is displayed with six-digit decimal value.

Note: This rounding feature is applicable only to the Academic History module and is not applicable to Banner Student module.
Out of Total score available for the component.
Percent Calculated percentage of Score/Out of.
Letter Grade Calculated grade based on the specified grade scale.

This field is updateable. If you enter a value in both the Score field and this field, when you save the record, the system updates this field with the letter grade associated with the value entered in the Score field. The value in the Score field takes precedence over the value entered in the Letter Grade field if the values are incompatible.

Weight Weight that the score for this component has in the calculation of midterm or final grades. This can be greater than 100 for components and sub-components
Change Reason Grade change reason code. This field is updateable.

A grade change code is included in the list of values only if it is not reserved for automatic processing (the Calculated check box on the Grade Change Code Validation Page [STVGCHG] is cleared), and it is a code for Academic History (the Academic History check box on STVGCHG is selected).

The grade change codes that are available in Banner Student Faculty Grade Entry (where the Self Service check box on STVGCHG is selected) are also available on the list of values for this field to allow for corrective actions.

Must Pass Check box that indicates whether the student must earn a passing grade for the component to pass the class.
Comments Comment associated with the component. The value in this field is derived from the GTVSDAX list of component comment values.

This field is updateable.

Calculated Summary Summary of how the grade or mark was calculated.

If score or letter grade is changed, the previous summary on the Calculated Summary field is deleted and the current or latest summary is added.

If the change reason or comment is changed, the latest summary is appended to the previous summary.