Composite Marks

Use this section to view and update the composite marks for a student. When any of the percent or grade fields in this section is changed and the record is saved, no calculation takes place and the updated data is stored as entered.

Fields Descriptions
Midterm/Final Displays whether the grade information is for midterm or final term.
Percent Composite calculation of the student’s midterm or final percentage.
Grade Midterm or final composite grade.
Change Reason Change Reason code that represents the reason for a grade change.
Comment Comment associated with the component.

Component comments are created on STVGCMT.

Calculated Summary Summary of how the grade or mark was calculated.

If score or letter grade is changed, the previous summary on the Calculated Summary field is deleted and the current or latest summary is added.

If the change reason or comment is changed, the latest summary is appended to the previous summary.