
Use the Grades section of the page to view, add, and update grade information for the student’s course. These records are child records of the course detail records.

Fields Descriptions
Sequence Number Sequence number of the grade. Banner assigns this value, and it cannot be changed.
Grade Grade earned by the student for a CRN.
Grade Mode Grading mode code and description of the grade associated with the course.
Credit Hours Credit hours of the course.
Attempted Hours The institutional course attempted hours associated with the grade of the course.

The field displays the SHRTCKG_HOURS_ATTEMPTED value. When a grade change is recorded, the Attempted Hours value defaults to either the Credit Hours value or 0 when a new grade, grade mode, or credit hours value is inserted, based on the value of the SHRGRDE_ATTEMPTED_IND field. You can then save the defaulted value or update the Attempted Hours value to 0.000.

When the Attempted Hours value is changed from the defaulted credit hours value to 0 (zero), if the grade entered has the Count in Attempted (Indicator) selected on SHAGRDE, a warning message is displayed: Attempted Hours entered does not match the Grade/Credit Hour combination used. Click OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to restore the defaulted attempted hours. This alerts the user to the fact that the credit hour value will not be used in attempted hours, although the grade for that course is set to count in the attempted hours for the course in the stored GPA data.

Attempted hours do not default from the credit hours entered when a new course is added through SHATCKN. No level exists for the course to validate whether the grade entered will count in attempted hours based on the rules on SHAGRDE until you access the Levels section and enter the course level.

Change Reason Change reason code and description of the reason for the grade change.
Extension Date Extension date when incomplete final grades become eligible to replace final grades during automated incomplete grade processing. This date serves as a default date when incomplete grades are assigned to a student.

The date can vary by part of term, is optional, and can remain Null. The date will be Null for old term records and can be left Null for all terms when automated incomplete grade processing is not in use.

When the rules on SHAINCG indicate that automated incomplete grade processing is active for a term, with default grades on SHAGRDE that can be entered or overridden by faculty members, the extension date also default to the term or part of term that matches the CRN.

Incomplete Final Grade Incomplete final grade used to replace a final grade after the extension date for the coursework has expired.

This list displays all complete grade codes that are active for the same level as the incomplete grade.

Grade Date The date on which the final grade is assigned to the student for the CRN.
Grade Comment Comment to describe the reason for the grade change.