Program Additional Course Levels Adjustment window

Use the Program Additional Course Levels Adjustment window to enter adjustments to additional course levels for a student’s program.

If you copied values from another program, the defaulted values are displayed in the appropriate fields, but you can change them if desired.

You can specify that courses and course attributes taken at a course level other than the program’s native course level can be used by a student’s program, or you can exclude courses taken at specific levels. CAPP uses these instructions during compliance to determine which levels (in addition to the native course level of the program) it can use to satisfy the student’s program requirements. If you do not specifically include other levels, only courses at the program’s native level are used.

Course levels included in a program can be excluded by areas or groups, but course levels excluded from a program cannot be included by areas or groups.

Courses taken at excluded levels are not considered toward satisfying a student’s program requirements. Courses at included levels can satisfy program requirements and count toward the program's minimum credit requirements, but they are not used to calculate any grade point averages within the program.

This window is composed of the Display-Only section and the Course Level Inclusions/Exclusions Adjustments section.