Communication Rules (SOACOMM) page |
Use this window to establish the rules for a communication plan. Any fields in this window that are left blank are treated as wildcards.
Fields | Descriptions |
Level | Required level of education, for example, UG (undergraduate) or GR (graduate).
Choices come from the Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) list. |
Campus | Campus to which the person (recruit, student, or applicant) must be assigned.
Choices come from the Campus Validation (STVCAMP) list. |
College | College within the institution that the student must attend, such as the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Nursing.
Choices come from the College Validation (STVCOLL) list. |
Degree | Degree that the student must have earned.
Choices come from the Degree Code Validation (STVDEGC) list. |
Program | Program in which the student is assigned.
Choices come from Program Definition Rules (SMAPRLE) list. |
Field of Study Type | Field of study type for the curriculum. The delivered value for the field is NULL, and the default is MAJOR.
List Learner Field of Study Type (GTVLFST) |
Field of Study Code | Code for the field of study.
List All Major Codes (STVMAJR) Help Curriculum Rules (SOACURR) page |
Department | Department in which the student is assigned.
Choices come the Department Code Validation (STVDEPT) list. |
Curricula | Pulldown field used to specify if the curricular elements defined on the rule must come from the primary curriculum record, secondary curriculum record, or any curricula.
The delivered value for the field is Primary. Valid values are: Primary Secondary Any The default value is Primary. |
Recruit (Recruiting) | Recruiting communication plan associated with the rules defined on the page for campus, level, college, or degree.
Choices come from the Communication Plan Validation (STVCPLN) list. |
Admissions | Admissions communication plan associated with the rules defined on the page for campus, level, college, or degree.
Choices come from the Communication Plan Validation (STVCPLN) list. |
Student | Student communication plan associated with the rules defined on the page for campus, level, college, or degree.
Choices come from the Communication Plan Validation (STVCPLN) list. |