
Use this section to set up the elective rule, to set up which courses are displayed in projected registration, and to associate an attribute with an elective pool.

Fields Descriptions
Elective Rule Key Value used to identify elective courses. Enter a key such as ELECTIVE.

When this is blank, the elective rule does not apply.

Elective Active Select the check box when you want to make elective classes available to students for registration.

If you do not select the check box, students will see the available classes, but will not be able to add them to their schedule.

Roll section attribute to Academic History Select this check box when you want the attribute associated with the CRN to be included in the roll process. This includes the manual and mass update roll processes.
Hide transferred courses When this check box is selected, students will not see their transferred courses in the list of available classes.
Hide in-progress courses When this check box is selected, students will not see the courses they are currently taking in the list of available classes.
Hide passed courses When this check box is selected, students will not see the courses they have already passed in the list of available classes.
Section Attribute for Elective Pool If you would like to set up elective pools, use this field to assign the attribute that identifies the type of elective. Values come from the Degree Program Attribute Validation (STVATTR) table.
If you are setting up elective pools, enter a value in the Section Attribute for Elective Pool field on this page. That value is used by the Student Schedule Application Elective Pool (SSAPOOL) page and the Schedule Specific Section Attribute (SSASATR) page. Go to those pages to complete the elective pool setup.