Biographical Information section

Fields Descriptions
Gender ID’s gender. Select Male, Female, or Not Available if the gender is unknown.
Birth Date ID’s birthdate. You may not enter a future birth date, that is, one which is greater than the system date.
Age ID's age. Calculated by the system based on the Date of Birth. The age is not stored in the database, but is calculated each time the page is called.
SSN/SIN/TIN ID’s Social Security Number, Social Insurance Number (Canada), or Tax Identification Number (non-person) as applicable. Institutions in other countries can use this field to store any 9-digit identifier, such as a TFN (Tax Form Number) for Australia.

The autohint for this field and the length allowed changes based on the setting selected on GUAINST.

SSN/SIN/TIN is used by some reports and processes, instead of the ID, such as tax documents (W-20, T2202A, etc.). Data loads can match against either ID or SSN/SIN/TIN.

Confidential Confidential Indicator. To indicate that information about this person should remain confidential, select the check box. If the box is selected, then the message Confidential displays on any forms with the ID in the key block.

The Confidential (Indicator) does not control any other system processing.

Deceased Select if the ID is deceased. Online processing is not prevented for deceased IDs; however, the message Deceased displays on any forms with the ID in the key block. You may request and run a transcript for a student who is deceased. However, the Grade Mailer Report (SHRGRDE) and associated processing are prohibited for a deceased person.
Deceased Date Date of death if deceased. If you enter the deceased date, then the system automatically selects the Deceased check box.
Citizenship Used to display the citizen type code of the recruit, i.e, citizen, non-citizen, native, etc. Valid values come from the Citizen Type Code Validation (STVCITZ) page.

If this value is entered in SPAPERS, it will default into SRAQUIK. If this value is entered on SRAQUIK, it will default into SPAPERS.

List Citizen Type Validation list

Marital Status ID’s marital status.

List Marital Status Validation List

Religion ID’s religion.

List Religion Code Validation list

Legacy ID’s relationship to alumni of the institution.

List Legacy Code Validation list

Ethnicity ID’s ethnic background. This is critical for IPEDs and additional reports.

List Ethnic Code Validation list

New Ethnicity Pulldown list used to select the new ethnicity for the person.
Values are:
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Hispanic or Latino
  • None (default)
Ethnicity and Race Confirmed Check box that indicates whether the person’s race and ethnicity have been confirmed.
Confirmed Date Date on which the person’s race and ethnicity were confirmed.
Veteran File Number ID's Vietnam file number.
Veteran Category If the ID is associated with one of the categories in the pulldown list, the person may be eligible for Veteran-related programs, if applicable. This field is also used in Banner Human Resources VETS-100 reporting. The values for the pulldown list are separated by category and employees included in that category.
Choices are:
  • None - Non-veterans
  • Other Protected Veteran Only - Other protected veterans who did not serve in Vietnam
  • Vietnam Veteran Only - Vietnam veterans who do not meet the criteria for Other Protected Veteran Only

    Both Vietnam and Other Eligible Veterans - Vietnam veterans who meet the criteria for Other Protected Veteran Only

Active Duty Separation Date This is the date the person was separated from active duty. Enter in DD-MON-YYYY format.
Special Disabled Veteran Check box that indicates whether the veteran has a special disabled veteran status.
User This is the ID of the user who created or updated the record.
Activity Date This is the date the record was created or updated.