Comments and Learned window

Use this window to enter comments about the prospect and to view information on how the person learned about the school. This window is accessed by selecting the Comments and Learned section.

Fields Descriptions
Comments The Comments field is 4,000 characters long and has autowrap capability. Use the Comments edit button for easier entering, editing, and searching of text.
Learned The (How I) Learned (About Institution Code) in the (How I) Learned section is used by Web for Prospects to capture how the person learned about the school. The data is initially stored in Web for Prospects and is viewable from SRAPREL. After the prospect has been migrated to Banner® Production, the data is available on SRARECR.

The How I Learned data is migrated to the recruit record based on the rule value CREATELEARNED, which is stored on SAAERUL under the group PREL. If the CREATELEARNED rule is Y, the prospect How I Learned data is migrated to the recruit How I Learned data.

The (How I) Learned (About Institution Code) is validated on the Web Prospect How I Learned About Validation (STVLEND) page.