Field of Study Summary section

This section is query only for the ID in the Key section and displays a summary of field of study data. You need to access the Curriculum window to insert or delete field of study records.

This section will only display the appropriate fields for curriculum rows for the module from which it is being called. For example, if the window is called from SAAADMS, then only curriculum rows where the module code is ADMISSIONS would be returned. Access the Learner Curriculum Query (SOILCUR) page to see all the possible fields that exist for curriculum information. You can use the Options Menu access SOILCUR and view curriculum information for all modules.

The Attached to Major button is enabled when the cursor is on a field of study record for a major with attached concentrations. Click on the button to display a list of the attached concentrations in a pop-up window. The button is not enabled if the cursor is on a record for a major with no attached concentrations, or if the record is for a minor or a concentration.

The following fields are in this section.

Fields Descriptions
Priority This is the priority number that defines the field of study rank.
Term This is the term code for the field of study. This value defaults from the Curriculum section.
Type This is the type code for the learner field of study. It identifies whether the row is for a major, minor, or concentration.
Field of Study This is the major, minor, or concentration code for the field of study.
Department This is the department code for the field of study.
Attached to Major This is the code for the attached major for the field of study. This field indicates to which major a concentration is attached, if appropriate. This field is only enabled if the field of study type is CONCENTRATION.
Mouse Keyboard Result
Attached to Major N/A Lists concentrations attached to major