
The window contains the fields listed in the table below.

Fields Descriptions
Communication Plan The communication plan code.

List Communication Plan Validation (STVCPLN)

Description Description of the plan code.
Recruit, Applicant, Learner Option group which displays the module the plan exists in: Recruit, Applicant, or Learner.
Term The recruit term or the admissions term for the plan.

If the plan is in Recruiting (option group is set to Recruit), the List function accesses the Prospect Summary (SRASUMI) page.

If the plan is in Admissions (option group is set to Applicant), the List function accesses the Admissions Application Summary (SAASUMI) page.

If the plan is in General Student (option group is set to Learner), the List function accesses the General Student Summary (SGASTDQ) page.

List Prospect Summary (SRASUMI) page

List Admissions Application Summary (SAASUMI) page

List General Student Summary (SGASTDQ) page

Sequence Number The sequence number or the application number for the plan.

If the plan is in Recruiting (option group is set to Recruit), the List function accesses the Prospect Summary (SRASUMI) page.

If the plan is in Admissions (option group is set to Applicant), the List function accesses the Admissions Application Summary (SAASUMI) page.

If the plan is in General Student (option group is set to Learner), the List function accesses the General Student Summary (SGASTDQ) page.

List Prospect Summary (SRASUMI) page

List Admissions Application Summary (SAASUMI) page

List General Student Summary (SGASTDQ) page

Active Plan Check box indicates when selected that the communication plan is active. Only active communication plans display in this window. You can inactivate a plan by clearing the Active Plan check box.
Pending Mail Indicates whether mail exists for the plan. When the communication plan is first added, the field is blank, because the materials have not been created. This value cannot be changed.
Choices are:
  • Selected = Unsent mail exists for the communication plan. This value is stored in the database as Y.
  • Cleared = No pending mail exists for the plan. This value is stored in the database as N.
Delete Mail Indicate whether to delete mail for the communication plan.

This field can be changed to Y (selected) if there is pending mail for the plan and the Active Plan check box has been cleared. This field cannot be changed when the Active Plan check box is selected because of processing that takes place when materials are created. Missing materials are created for all active communication plans. If you delete the mail on an active plan, the materials are recreated when you save the plan. If the Active Plan check box is selected, and the Delete Mail field is selected, the communication plan is deleted from the Communication Plan Assignment (SOAPLAN) page, along with any existing mail on the Student Mail (SUAMAIL) page.

Choices are:
  • Selected = Delete communication plan mail. This value is stored in the database as Y.
  • Cleared = Do not delete communication plan mail.This value is stored in the database as N.