Prospect Summary section

Use the Prospect Summary section to view prospect records and to query specific information for the prospects. An ID may have multiple prospect records. Records are sorted by term in descending order and then by sequence number in descending order within each term.

Fields Descriptions
Term Term code for the recruiting record.
Sequence The Sequence Number field displays the system-assigned recruiting record sequence number for each record.
Selected Primary The Selected Primary indicator allows the user to specify the current or most recent recruiting record with a Y. Only one record may be selected for a term.
Recruiter Recruiter assigned to the prospect.
Recruit Type Type of recruiter, such as high school, college, main campus.
Admission Type Type of admission processed on the admissions application. Examples include early decision, early admission, standard.
Student Type Type of student processed on the admissions application. Examples include first-time freshman, continuing education student, transfer student.
Residence Residence code for the application.
Withdrawal Reason Code for reason of withdrawal from an institution by the prospect.
Institution Attending Code of institution attended by the prospect.