Term |
Term code for the recruiting record. |
Sequence |
The Sequence Number field displays the system-assigned recruiting record sequence number for each record. |
Selected Primary |
The Selected Primary indicator allows the user to specify the current or most recent recruiting record with a Y. Only one record may be selected for a term. |
Recruiter |
Recruiter assigned to the prospect. |
Recruit Type |
Type of recruiter, such as high school, college, main campus. |
Admission Type |
Type of admission processed on the admissions application. Examples include early decision, early admission, standard. |
Student Type |
Type of student processed on the admissions application. Examples include first-time freshman, continuing education student, transfer student. |
Residence |
Residence code for the application. |
Withdrawal Reason |
Code for reason of withdrawal from an institution by the prospect. |
Institution Attending |
Code of institution attended by the prospect. |