SFAWDRL and Status Changes

After you are in the Key block and you go to the Withdrawal Status section of the page, the following checks occur.

If any of these three values has changed, a popup window is displayed with the new values for the changed fields. You can compare current values on the page to the new values and decide on a course of action. After the you respond by selecting OK, an Option List window is displayed with choices that are appropriate for the changed values.

The options that can be displayed are presented as radio buttons for selection in the Option List window. The options are:

Here are descriptions and details for using each option.

Option and Description Processing
Create New record

Create a new withdrawal status record for the student and term.

If you choose to create a new record, the cursor is placed in the Withdrawal Code field if it is Null. (It will be Null if the STVESTS_WDRL_CODE_DEF is Null.)

If the Withdrawal Code is Not Null, (which indicates that the STVESTS_WDRL_CODE_DEF provided a value), then the cursor is placed in the Effective Withdrawal Date field.

Update Existing Status Code/Date

Update the existing status code and status date values on the withdrawal status record with the maximum sequence number for the student and term.

If you choose to update the existing record, the new status code and date are defaulted into the Withdrawal Status section of the page. You can update other fields only if the SFRWDRL_PROCESSED_IND is unchecked or N.
Update Original Charges Amount

Update the original charges amount on the withdrawal status record with the maximum sequence number for the student and term.

If you choose to update an the existing record, the new amount will be defaulted into the Withdrawal Status section in the Original Charges field.

Other fields may be updated if the SFRWDRL_PROCESSED_IND is unchecked or N, including the Original Charge indicators in the Institutional Charges Detail section of the page.

Update Institutional Charges Amount

Update the institutional charges amount on the withdrawal status record with the maximum sequence number for the student and term.

If you choose to update the institutional charges amount, the new amount will be defaulted into the withdrawal status record, and no other fields will be updatable.
Adjust Original Charge Indicators

Change the Original Charge indicators for the student and term.

If you choose to adjust the Original Charge indicators, the process takes you to the Institutional Charges Detail for Correction Only section of the page where the Original Charge check box can be updated. Two totals are displayed:
  • Current Original Charges
  • Locked Original Charges

When the setting of the Original Charge check box is changed, the value in the Original Charges field will be updated. You can save the changes only when the two amounts are equal, or you can exit without making changes. If the changes are saved, the Account Charge/Payment Detail Table (TBRACCD) records will be updated accordingly.

Exit Without Changes

Exit from the popup window without modifying the withdrawal status record for the student and term and then return to the Key block.

If you choose to exit without making any changes, you need to start over.