Course Detail

This section of the page is used to view the course registration status records for the student, including the last date that the student attended each course. Use the Course Detail section to access this section of the page.

Use the Filter button to view an advanced filter for this section of the page and search on CRN, Part of Term, Subject, Course Number, Section, Registration Status, Registration Status Date, and Last Attendance Date.

These fields are display only, except for Last Attendance Date, which may be entered or modified when the withdrawal has not been processed. (The Processed Indicator is unchecked or N.)

Fields Descriptions
CRN Course reference number.
Part of Term Part of term code and description.
Subject Subject code and description of the course.
Course Number Number of the course.
Section Course section.
Registration Status Registration status code and description.
Registration Status Date Date the enrollment status was assigned.
Last Attendance Date Last date that the student attended the course. This date may be used to determine the last date of attendance.

This field can be changed when the withdrawal has not been processed. (The Processed Indicator is unchecked or N.)