Transfer Articulation Evaluation (SHATAEQ) page

The Transfer Articulation Evaluation (SHATAEQ) page allows for the creation and maintenance of the student's transfer articulation information for a transfer institution.

The articulation can also be done for a specific degree program code which has been created on the Program Definitions Rule (SMAPRLE) page. If a degree program code is entered, then the transfer courses will be articulated based on the degree program entered. The degree program attributes which exist for a course on the Course Detail Information (SCADETL) page will default when transfer articulation occurs.

If the student has transfer courses in academic history on the Transfer Course (SHATRNS) page then these courses must be deleted from history and rolled into transfer articulation. This is done automatically in the Equivalent Course History Roll information. When these courses have been brought back then additional transfer courses can be entered and articulated on this page.

An attendance period must be specified when entering transfer course work, but multiple attendance periods can be entered at one time.

Transfer courses do not have to exist on the Transfer Course Articulation (SHATATR) page to be entered on this page. If the course does not exist on SHATATR, then the user must either create the course through a Count Query Hits function or manually articulate the course.

A grade code is required on all transfer courses. These must be valid grades on the Transfer Grade Code Maintenance (SHATGRD) page. These grades are used to calculate the transfer hours and GPA in the Equivalent Course GPA information.

Terms are associated with EDI and XML transcript transfer work on SHATAEQ. The term association defaults are selected from the rules built on the Transfer Effective Term Code Maintenance (SHADRTM) page, if rules exist. Otherwise, term association defaults are selected from the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) page.

Use the Repeat and Repeat System fields in the Equivalent Course box to view and update the repeat status of a course. The following shows the mapping between the ANSI and Banner® defined values for the Repeat (Indicator):

Mapping based upon ANSI and Banner definitions
ANSI Banner  
N E  
R I