Determine which options are available

Different sets of options are displayed, depending on what has changed and whether or not Banner Financial Aid is in use.

About this task


  1. When the Current Enrollment Status or Enrollment Status Date values are different from the student registration record values on the SFBETRM table, because the SFBETRM values have changed, you are presented with these options.

    • Create New Record
    • Update Existing Status Code/Date
    • Exit Without Changes
  2. When the original charges amount has changed and the SFRWDRL_PROCESSED_IND is checked or Y, a check is performed to determine if Banner Financial Aid is in use.
    1. When Banner Financial Aid is used and the return of funds is set to occur (the value in the Financial Aid tables for the amount disbursed is greater than the amount earned), you are presented with these options.

      • Create New Record
      • Adjust Original Charge indicators
      • Exit Without Changes
    2. When Banner Financial Aid is used and the post-withdrawal disbursement is to occur, you are presented with these options.

      • Create New Record
      • Update the Original Charges Amount
      • Adjust Original Charge Indicators
      • Exit Without Changes
    3. When Banner Financial Aid is not used, you are presented with these options.

      • Create New Record
      • Update Institutional Charges Amounts
      • Adjust Original Charge Indicators
      • Exit Without Changes
  3. When the original charges amount has changed and the SFRWDRL_PROCESSED_IND is unchecked or N, you are presented with these options.

    • Create New Record
    • Update Original Charges Amount
    • Exit Without Changes